Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's been raining a lot here!!!! Again, haven't been able to blog in a  long time. As soon as I get off for Thanksgiving break (Wednesday!!!) I'll be able to post pics that I haven't been able to post. Halloween, Dia de Los Muertos, and upcoming Bri's 12th B-day part where we will go Ice Skating!!!! 

        In the meantime, I've been swamped with trimester finals. I have our trial for Odysseus coming up on Tuesday; all English students were given a part to play and I got the role of Telemachus which happens to be a boy role BUT I will do what I can with it :P

Penelope weaving & ignoring her suitors
The Antigone chorus we (class) hope to include in our production- not quite sure how this will go.....
.  History final went well, apart from the long essay at the end of it I was pretty confident. Geometry went awesome. In theater, I get to memorize 3 pages of "Antigone" , I'm sure to have fun doing that.
      Family has plans to go to Balboa Park, once again, for another exhibit and go to LA for a museum and a play. Trying to decide between seeing the Nutcracker or Cats- hardddddd..... 
     Dance: our dance group is going to be preforming at the Gingerbread Breakfast, we thankfully WON'T be preforming Jingle Bell Rock, as well as the gym opening pep rally. Unfortunately, the school  won't pay for costumes, s we will have to figure them out ourselves. So far, our first costume will be black boot cut yoga pants and a shirt from Pink Zone. Worried......