Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's been raining a lot here!!!! Again, haven't been able to blog in a  long time. As soon as I get off for Thanksgiving break (Wednesday!!!) I'll be able to post pics that I haven't been able to post. Halloween, Dia de Los Muertos, and upcoming Bri's 12th B-day part where we will go Ice Skating!!!! 

        In the meantime, I've been swamped with trimester finals. I have our trial for Odysseus coming up on Tuesday; all English students were given a part to play and I got the role of Telemachus which happens to be a boy role BUT I will do what I can with it :P

Penelope weaving & ignoring her suitors
The Antigone chorus we (class) hope to include in our production- not quite sure how this will go.....
.  History final went well, apart from the long essay at the end of it I was pretty confident. Geometry went awesome. In theater, I get to memorize 3 pages of "Antigone" , I'm sure to have fun doing that.
      Family has plans to go to Balboa Park, once again, for another exhibit and go to LA for a museum and a play. Trying to decide between seeing the Nutcracker or Cats- hardddddd..... 
     Dance: our dance group is going to be preforming at the Gingerbread Breakfast, we thankfully WON'T be preforming Jingle Bell Rock, as well as the gym opening pep rally. Unfortunately, the school  won't pay for costumes, s we will have to figure them out ourselves. So far, our first costume will be black boot cut yoga pants and a shirt from Pink Zone. Worried...... 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Too Busy

I haven't blogged in a long time, I've been so busy! Days go by so quickly now, my days have been mostly filled with volleyball and homework. A lot of things have happened since then: the San Diego blackout happened shortly after my last post ( I had quite a lot of fun doing my hw by candlelight) , volleyball tournament, watching the Odyssey at the Old Globe Theatre (in San Diego) , first in term grades,  and starting the practice for the performance at Fall Fest.
I'm debating whether to go to the Scream Zone in Del Mar or Knott's Scary Farm. I really want to do something scary this Halloween, and I don't want to under ball it. Also thinking of what I'm going to be: black kitty or a toddler/triplet with 2 other friends.I'm hoping toddler, since it shouldn't really be hard to find a pair of kids overalls in my size and my hair is now long enough to put in pigtails.
Next week is Fall Fest! As mentioned above, our dance team will be doing a routine for the open mic, or be doing a flash mob. Among other things, Fall Fest is basically a school community fair where people sell all sort of really cool things and there a fun booths (one of which where you get to dunk a teacher) . I'm hoping to hit the candy stall as soon as I get there.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Days of High School...

Not too hard, not too easy. I have not yet pulled an all-nighter, but I've already stayed up till 11:30. The first day we got real hw in all of our classes; I do like my school. Even though the uniforms are boring, it's nice to get up and not take 30 minutes to get dress. But, they are telling us that we have to wear socks that are in the color palette and solid color. Who does that?!? Volleyball is going really well, we had our first game Thursday. Nos ganamos!! I'm doing Model UN and dance for my clubs. In service learning I'll be doing NKT Connections, which is a group that  helps young women, women, and children in Nepal, Kenya, and Tibet. SUPER EXCITED!! I went to go see Much Ado About Nothing on Sunday, I love Shakespeare!   

Monday, August 29, 2011

Feast Day at the Old California Mission San Luis Rey De Francia

We went to the Feast Day on Friday, but I've been too lazy to put up the pictures :P
This was the first ever Feast Day held for San Luis Rey De Francia at our church, Mission San Luis Rey. I only know a little about  feast days, but apparently they do them in Spain too. In doing some investigating, I learned that there was an old tradition where instead of celebrating a child's birthday, they would celebrate the child name day/Feast Day (if they were named after a saint) ~ <3 Nati

               Nico had the camera......

                                      Nico's little toy armadillo.

                      On our way to the Mission

                                               On our way to the Mission

                                                 The sunset
There was an Aztec Dance preformance
 2 children watching
 Aztec Dance

 The archways against the sky
 Aztec Dance, I like this one because it shows the little girl dancing in it
 Aztec Dance
 The ladies with thier baskets/offerings of flowers
 The Mission's bell tower
 Los Pequenos Gigantes Dance
 Los Pequenos Gigantes Dance
 One of the old laterns
 These lamps reminded me a lot of the ones in Wellesley
 The Knight of Columbus
 The statue of San Luis Rey De Francia

 Cactus against the sky
 Looking up at the Mission
 The statue
 Aztec Dancers in the procession
 The Aztec lady who carried the incense
 The ladies and thier baskets of fowers
 A statue of Saint Francis of Assi in front odf the Mission
 The Mission
 In the church
 The altar
 Painting on a colum
 The roof of the Mission is very old. It's the same roof and church that the Spaniards first used with the natives.
 A painting of San Luis Rey De Francia
 The Holy Water

 Group Pic
 The Mission at night
 Group Pic

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Explo Pics

Some of my favorite pictures from Explo this year. I have made a slide show, and began to make a scrapbook. I caught myself two times today. One, while we were at auditions for the symphonic orchestra (I got in!!) and my mom said Nor- something. I thought, that sounds like Norfolk, which sounds like Natick, which is close to Wellesley, which reminds me of Explo!! Two, we passed by an indoor rock climbing center and I was just about to turn and point it out to Sarah and Emmy (they love rock climbing and are usually always by my side). Unfortunately, they weren't there....

                                                                View from my window on the airplane traveling to Boston.
                       The Washington statue (in the Boston Commons?). I took this with my ipod, I was dying without the camera. I think this was the day I left for Explo, but I wanted to stay in Bostn soo badly!!

                                     Max and Sarah Main Event: Mall Night!!! I think we were in JC Penny's (???)
                                                                        The Quad
                                                           C4B Girls on Cruise Night <3
                                                     On the Way to the Boston Harbor
                                                                         Boston Skyline

                                                                                   Boston Skyline
                                                                  Group Pic I <3 U guys!!
                                                              Abby C. , Haley, and Erin
                                Max and Sarah saying goodbye. This one made me cry the first time...

                                                                   Max and Sarah
                                                                            Group Pic
                                                                               Group Pic
                                                                          Emmy, I love you!!!