Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Days of High School...

Not too hard, not too easy. I have not yet pulled an all-nighter, but I've already stayed up till 11:30. The first day we got real hw in all of our classes; I do like my school. Even though the uniforms are boring, it's nice to get up and not take 30 minutes to get dress. But, they are telling us that we have to wear socks that are in the color palette and solid color. Who does that?!? Volleyball is going really well, we had our first game Thursday. Nos ganamos!! I'm doing Model UN and dance for my clubs. In service learning I'll be doing NKT Connections, which is a group that  helps young women, women, and children in Nepal, Kenya, and Tibet. SUPER EXCITED!! I went to go see Much Ado About Nothing on Sunday, I love Shakespeare!   

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