Friday, October 14, 2011

Too Busy

I haven't blogged in a long time, I've been so busy! Days go by so quickly now, my days have been mostly filled with volleyball and homework. A lot of things have happened since then: the San Diego blackout happened shortly after my last post ( I had quite a lot of fun doing my hw by candlelight) , volleyball tournament, watching the Odyssey at the Old Globe Theatre (in San Diego) , first in term grades,  and starting the practice for the performance at Fall Fest.
I'm debating whether to go to the Scream Zone in Del Mar or Knott's Scary Farm. I really want to do something scary this Halloween, and I don't want to under ball it. Also thinking of what I'm going to be: black kitty or a toddler/triplet with 2 other friends.I'm hoping toddler, since it shouldn't really be hard to find a pair of kids overalls in my size and my hair is now long enough to put in pigtails.
Next week is Fall Fest! As mentioned above, our dance team will be doing a routine for the open mic, or be doing a flash mob. Among other things, Fall Fest is basically a school community fair where people sell all sort of really cool things and there a fun booths (one of which where you get to dunk a teacher) . I'm hoping to hit the candy stall as soon as I get there.

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