Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Pics

I was browsing around while some pictures were uploading and found some REALLY cute pics of Nico when he was a baby!

                                                       I AM superman!
                                               Nico getting his 1st haircut
                          First B-Day! This was the baby chair we all sat in as babies!!!
                                             He's on the phone ALL day.
                                              Lounging on the couch.
                                                 He fell asleep at a party..
                                 Visiting the Flower Fields MaMa and Nico pic
                                                      Oh, Hello!!!!
                                            Practicing how-to-walk
                                               Did you say food???
                                                  In one of his toys.
                           I AM THE MOST EVILIST BABY IN THE WORLD!!!!!
                                                  What? I'm not evil.
                                                     MaMa and Nico
                                 Eating his first baby food in the special chair
                                                            Group pic.
                                            Nico and Dad in the truck
                                               Who's the cute baby???
                                        Nico and Dad in the truck shot 2
                                                      Nico and Dad
                   Nico comes home, I wore a special dress for the occassion :P
                                               Meeting Nico for the first time
                                                     Holding Nico
                                                       Holding Nico
Helloo MaMa!!

Hectic Day!!!


Weh had my cousins from AZ come over (we only get to see them about once a year and that started maybe three years ago) and lets just put it this way, they are the most energized/dangerous pair of boys I have met. EVER. My sister had an essay-writing class from 9-12, so I had to be up to make sure nothing caught on fire/exploded while she and my mother were gone. When my mother came back from dropping her off, all of us got to go on an exciting trip to work in her classroom!! We spent  about 2 hours there, then went to Chili's for lunch. After that we decided to go to the Wave (a waterpark) for a couple of hours. We then went home to drop the thing up, pick up my dad and go to the beach where we cooked hot dogs and smores. By the time we got back, it was almost midnight. I still had to take a shower.... I brang the camera to the Wave, but totally forgot it when we went to the beach, I was so mad at myself! Did I mention yesterday the boys broke a $300 screen door on Thursday? Yeah well.........

Here are the pics from the wave:
                                                   Silly Picture!
                                                      Juan and Nico
                                                         We're too cool 4 u!
                                                    Bri cannonballing!
                         Nico kinda-failing at cannonballing- his techniuque is all wrong.....
                                                            In the pool
Group pic!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Volleyball Prep and Summer Schedule

Mon. Tue. Wed. and Thur., I played Volleyball for three hours. There's absoulutely NOTHING like waking up sore in the morning. The coach that I've been working with will be my coach for the school team, so in a way, tryouts have already begun. I went home with my cousin Gaby for two days; that was kinda fun. When she came to sleep over at our house, she sprained her ankle running and had to go home. Fun...... I'll be doing 2 volleyball camps next week, one from 9-11 and one from 4-6. Somewhere in there I supposed to take a Spanish camp. We've already done the family vacation thing for this year, so we're getting back to work. Bri is taking an essay writing and study skills class, I'm taking volleyball and language camps, I don't know what Nico's doing but I'm sure there's something.I'm going to start on an EXPLO scrapbook, where I can put pics of the Welleseley college campus and groups pics of my friends and I.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Palm Springs

I haven't posted anything for a while..srry!!! We went to BB&Beyond and I got some new stuff. My room was a total mess afterward :}

Wwe spent the weekend at Palm Springs at a resort. We ussually don't do resorts but.....

                                                       On the way
                                           Mom and Dad say hi!!
                         We watched How to Train Your Dragon on the way down

There was a scenic stop on the wa down into the valley:

                                        waiting for Mom and Dad to check in

                                            Our view out of our room

                     we had some waterguns and well, it got a little out-of-hand :P

                                             Bri and me pose for a pic!
                                               Tia Adriana at the pool

                                                      Bri and Me
                                       Bri reads after swimming in the pool
                                 Nico poses on his new inflatable pet shark!
                                           Dominic: "Yeah u better run!!!"

The kids having another water fight. As you can see, Dominic(kid w/ the floaties,hat, and sunglases) was the big daddy how tough! :P

                                             My cousin Marrissa sunbathing

Lunch Break!

 Getting ready to go to the cheesekake factory. Did you know it's one of America's most fattening restauraunts??
                                           A mongolia tree outside our room
                 On our way to the cheesecake factory, there was a pretty pond/oasis
                                  Nico making faces at me as he eats his food.....Normal??
                                             A pillar that looked cool.
                                                      Marrissa and me
                                                        Bri and Marrissa
                                                  Sitting with the family
                                                     Marrissa Bri and me
                                    Another pond on our way back to the hotel
                     There were no seats, so our tio had us ride in the back of the car!
                                           Getting ready to go to the pool
                                                       Dad poses.....

Bri and me practice our water/circus skills

the tias hang out in the water
                                                             Bri and me
                                           Bri poses after getting out of the pool
                                                       Tia Stella reads
                                  My Tia Adriana and Cousin Marrissa subathe

Gaby and her friend Caroline hang out
My cousin Dominic sleeps after a long day

Some cool pics of the resort

Something I found in my room