Friday, July 29, 2011

Volleyball Prep and Summer Schedule

Mon. Tue. Wed. and Thur., I played Volleyball for three hours. There's absoulutely NOTHING like waking up sore in the morning. The coach that I've been working with will be my coach for the school team, so in a way, tryouts have already begun. I went home with my cousin Gaby for two days; that was kinda fun. When she came to sleep over at our house, she sprained her ankle running and had to go home. Fun...... I'll be doing 2 volleyball camps next week, one from 9-11 and one from 4-6. Somewhere in there I supposed to take a Spanish camp. We've already done the family vacation thing for this year, so we're getting back to work. Bri is taking an essay writing and study skills class, I'm taking volleyball and language camps, I don't know what Nico's doing but I'm sure there's something.I'm going to start on an EXPLO scrapbook, where I can put pics of the Welleseley college campus and groups pics of my friends and I.

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