Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Last Week of Summer

First things first:

Volleyball for four hours+competitive coach+ 5'5- 5'9 girls= sore, bruised, and happy.

I think that pretty much says it all :P But, all of that hard work paid off. I got onto the JV team, next year I'm going for Varsity. Iv'e discovered a wierd kind of rash on my knees; kneegaurds??? I'm nt quite sure...

Mom started school on Wednesday, there's nothing like rude seventh graders to put you in a good mood. I was helping out the librarian at the school, first thing I hear when I walk through the door (from some eighth or seventh grader) : Look! Here comes little goody two shoes!  Second thing (while making a delivery to a classroom): Can I have that (pointing to me)? Fortunately, there was a noon duty there to deal with that one. I would have gone ALL kinds of Nati on him if she wasn't there. But other than that, I really like helping out. I got my own desk in the back of the classroom and free lectures on history,what the world has come to , how education is important, whether being quiet is good or not (yeah, my mom gets a little of topic sometimes).

I'll be starting my freshman year  soon...... That's all there is to say, I'm dead.

Grandma's B-day was today. We went to Olive Garden with her side of the family. It reminded my of my Italian class at EXPLO :) After that we spent another two hours at one of my tia's house looking at the photos my cousin took when she went to Africa. It was a charity thing, she had to pay for her ticket (fundraising), and basically went to ghettos and buil houses and helped feed children for 15 days. I wanted to go sooo badly!!!! Next year's plan: spend at least a week in Boston (we just didn't have enough time to see everything; it was litterally, stop, look for a second, and keep on running) , go to New Haven for EXPLO, get ome volunteering hours in there, some how plan to go with one of my cousins to Africa?? , go out for Volleyball and be there for the pre-season, and be able to see my old dorm room or cordinate a girl's night out /get together before next year's Explo with my friends.
Iv'e got to get A LOT of stuff crammed into this week, which includes getting a good-luck henna!!   


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