Monday, August 1, 2011

Moody Mondays

Well, today started out with a 9 -11 AM volleyball camp. It was fun, some of the girls there were serving bullets at my head. It's a good thing I'm short. I embarrassed myself,as ussual, when my group handed me the ball and told me to serve it. Because I have an eagles sense of hearing, I thought they said to "smurf" the ball. I was wondering if this had any connection to Emmys, a friend from EXPLO, addiction to playing Smurfs on my iPod. I sat there wondering how to smurf a ball for about five minutes before I finally figured out that they were trying to say serve. Nice going Nati. After that I enjoyed an hour and a half of the "find-a-way-to-entertain-yourself game in my mothers classroom. We the went to barnes and noble, one of my ABSOULUTE favorite places to be, and picked out some gifts and got my school reading book for the summer. Each grade has a book, mine this year is "Ishmael" and the high school book in common was "Zeitoun". Zeitoun was a good book, but so far I'm incredibly bored with Ishmael. I might as well be reading a dictionary. I have started applying to a scholarships, my recent one was an essay writer. Hoping I get it.....
Something incredibly wierd also happened today. This morning , I woke up to find I didn't have my retainers in. I just thought I didn't put them in last night, until I found my top one a few feet away from my bed. I later found my bottom one wedged between my matress and my headboard. My sister said maybe I had spitten them out, I seriously doubt that. To take my retainers out I have to pull them out. .... Maybe I took them off in my sleep.  Tomorrow it's two volleyball camps, one Spanish camp, a wish for my retainers to stay in place, and SCHOOL SHOPPING!!!

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