1) make at least 2 bags worth of cookies and put them in the fridge for a midnight snack (save some cookie dough as well!!)
2) watch True Grit, Kung Fu Hustle, or The Exorsist at the BARE minimum
3) go night swimming at 1 AM :P
4) devour all the candy in the house
5) make a cake....?
6) scavenger hunt in the biggest mall around
7) hide n scream (a have-to-do after we watch the Exorsist)
8) prank call crushes
9) tye dye t-shirts
I was watching a video on youtube when a "Cats" (the musical) clip came up. I got sucked into it :P Favortie character: Jemima Favortie scene: moments of happiness all time favorite songin the musical: memory!
Grizbella in "Memory:
Actor Shot
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